Introduction  image
CRRID, Chandigarh proposes to organize an International Conference on "Society, Environment and Sustainable Development: Emerging Issues and Alternatives” from March 20 to 22, 2024 at CRRID, Chandigarh. The International Conference is part of Chandigarh Climate Meet (third in the series) which is likely to be organized by Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development (CRRID), Chandigarh with the support from the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi; Chandigarh Region Innovation and Knowledge Cluster (CRIKC), PU, Chandigarh; National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA), New Delhi; Punjab State Human Rights Commission (PSHRC); The Working Group 05 of International Sociological Association (ISA) on Famine and Society; Research Committees- Inequalities, Stratification and Exclusion Studies (RC-08), Gender Studies (RC-10), Sociology of Environment (RC11), Urban Studies (RC-19); Media Studies (RC-20); Political Sociology (RC-21) and Sociology of Law, Crime and Deviance (RC-23) of Indian Sociological Society (ISS); Sociological Society Himachal Pradesh (SSHP); Deptt of Sociology, Post Graduate Govt College (PGGC-11), Chandigarh; Academy of Innovation in Technology and Management, Jalandhar; and Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA)-Haryana Regional Branch; Global Research and Educational Foundation India (GREFI) and some other institutions are likely to support the organization of events in various capacities as technical and knowledge partners/collaborators.  

The call for sessions/abstracts for International Conference is open. The conference aims to deliberate on interlinked issues of Society, Environment & Sustainable Development. Society has been facing various social, economic challenges which seem to hinder sustainable development. The sustainability seems to be at stake due to un-sustainability of human induced development practices. Achieving many of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be challenging particularly for states, cities and villages due to their weak institutional and fiscal base along with multiple social economic and environmental vulnerabilities. There is a need to protect habitats and safeguard the interests of poor people. The conference is likely to come up with concrete ideas for better future of the planet amid the climate change and gaps in all major areas to be addressed through SDGs.

Since role of habitats & their institutions are crucial for addressing many social, economic, environmental concerns, the conference will deliberate and discuss the issues, alternatives, innovations and modalities for sustaining the same. The sessions/papers on different contexts of the theme/s are being invited. The sessions and papers on various aspects of environment, sustainable development, climate change, water and forest management, adaptation, resilience, marginalization, poverty, hunger, food, decentralization in local as well as global contexts are welcome and how the same can help in resolving various types of problems in the developed as well as developing societies. The environment and sustainable development have been major concerns around the world and crucial issue for research and action having important social, cultural, political & other linkages &implications. The current challenges of managing pollution & providing health services to the huge population enhance the relevance of these important issues.

The post liberal regimes seem to serve better to the capitalists and rich sections and very negligible to meet the interests of larger sections of the poor populations. The global exploitative systems of colonialism seem to have changed their nature and forms with more modern systems and tools of exploitation. Now own institutions and own people seem to have developed new exploitative tools and procedures to exploit their own people and exploit own institutions. The marginalisation of poor and inequality is on rise. The exclusion of sizeable population is visible in terms of food, shelter, employment, education and health services. The progress of SDGs is very slow. The wealth is being captured by few people in the world. The few powerful and mighty seem to control wealth and power to decide the fate of majority. Climate change and human induced environmental problems are creating another kind of challenges. The air, water & soil pollution is on rise & having tremendous implications on health & therefore big challenges for habitats and their sustainability. The emerging situations need better interdisciplinary understanding and better public responses to reverse the exploitative trends, tools, practices, marginalization, exclusion and environmental stress to check the emerging discontents among the masses and promote sustainable development.

The social issues and environmental capturing the full import of the acronym FAMINE (Food insecurity as a consequence of severely diminished purchasing power of vulnerable groups in society, Alienation on account of discrimination based on Caste, Color or Creed; Marginalization on account of severely diminishing real incomes; Inequality based on dysfunctional social systems and travails of the workers in Informal Sector, Negative impact on vulnerable groups of natural calamities & manmade disasters such as civil wars and economic shocks caused by market volatility; & Exclusion from mainstream society based on social and economic ostracization resulting in social conflict, unrest and violence) in the context of the environment & sustainability are also likely to be discussed in the conference.
The sessions/abstracts are invited on a wide range of areas, including the following:

o Society: Challenges, Reconstruction, Reflection, Responsibilities, Transition and Transformation
  • Poverty, inequality & exclusion 
  • Marginalization & deprivation 
  • Women empowerment/gender issues
  • Atrocities/violence/crime against dalits/minorities/tribes/women and children & their empowerment /mainstreaming 
  • Rights based development 
  • social, economic & political 
  • Planning, governance & management: macro & micro dimensions 
  • Collective action and social movements 
  • Participation, organizational democracy and self-management, urban development and e governance 
  • Transition to transformation: social, economic, physical and environmental dimensions 
  • Religions philosophies for peace, non-discrimination, love, happiness & environmental protection 
  • Caste, class & gender: inequality , discrimination & remedial measures 
  • Work, employment & capability formation/poverty alleviation 
  • Education, health, social welfare & inclusion & sustainability - Media, art and culture 

o Environment & Related Issues 

  • Environment: Concepts, Theories & emerging realities 
  • Climate Change (IPCC, UNFCC, COP 28 etc) 
  • Global initiatives-local impact 
  • Energy efficiency, renewable energy, national energy missions/ plans and local actions 
  • Nature-based approach to climate change 
  • Critical review of Paris and other agreements and other initiatives like COP 28. 
  • Managing river basins and related issues 
  • Global water governance 
  • Climate change, water, energy and food: Interlinkages and issues 
  • Hydro based development in Himalayan and other mountain regions 
  • Carbon management and green technological interventions 
  • Natural disaster management 
  • Social dimensions of climate change 
  • The role of environmental NGOs in response to climate change 
  • The role of citizens in response to climate change 
  • The role of enterprises in response to climate change 
  • Towards safe and sustainable human settlements. 

o Sustainable Development: concepts, contexts, issues & goals 

  • Sustainable development: concept, theories and realities 
  • Local contexts of macro frameworks of SDGs/Localizing SDGs 
  • SDGs as Holistic Macro Framework for all countries: Efforts, initiatives, linkages and best practices 
  • Who takes the lead: Role of Governments and other key stakeholders 
  • Financing the SDGs at sub- national and local levels. 
  • Role of cities and local governments in sustainable development goals 
  • How to overcome over-urbanization, growth of slums, poverty and ever increasing inequality 
  • Eco mobility and environmental refugees 
  • Challenge of affordable housing, slum development and poverty alleviation 
  • Urban transportation and environmental pollution 
  • Improving Eco-efficiency and Green Growth 
  • Issues and alternatives in water, sanitation, SWM etc. 
  • Building a sound-material-cycle society through 3 Rs 
  • Environmentally sustainable transport 
  • Culture, traditional wisdom and identity 
  • Challenges against cities in the context of New Urban Agenda 
  • Strategy on prevention of natural and manmade disasters 
  • Improvement of educational, cultural and social welfare facility 
  • Improvement of housing quality, basic services and livelihood 
  • Green growth of cities- smart innovations and inclusive initiatives 
  • Addressing urban concerns to promote Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) 
  • Meeting demands of energy, water and food 
  • Smart and sustainable development amid globalization, liberalization and privatization 
The focus of the conference is to understand social, environmental development related issues and alternatives and how the same are likely to influence sustainability. In this context what alternatives are emerging to cope with the emerging challenges to achieve sustainable development across various continents, will be deliberated upon during three days conference. It aims to provoke questions in different contexts vis a vis many of the above aspects is concerned and explore various alternatives to manage the growth and development in juxtaposition with increasing pressure on society due to growing inequalities, poverty, social exclusions, deprivations and climate change/environmental stress.

The social issues and environmental capturing the full import of the acronym FAMINE (Food insecurity as a consequence of severely diminished purchasing power of vulnerable groups in society, Alienation on account of discrimination based on Caste, Color or Creed; Marginalization on account of severely diminishing real incomes; Inequality based on dysfunctional social systems and travails of the workers in Informal Sector, Negative impact on vulnerable groups of natural calamities & man-made disasters such as civil wars and economic shocks caused by market volatility; & Exclusion from mainstream society based on social and economic ostracization resulting in social conflict, unrest and violence) in the context of the environment & sustainability are also likely to be discussed in the conference.


The official language of the conference sessions/papers will be English. The three-day conference will consist of three plenaries/symposiums on the conference themes and approximately 18 technical sessions. The welcome and valedictory sessions will be in the Main Conference Hall of CRRID. The audio visual and LCD screens will be provided in all the halls. The technical and skilled assistance will also be provided by the volunteers.


The final date for submitting session proposals and abstracts for the conference (up to 500 words in MS Word format) is February 29, 2024. The abstracts/proposals will be reviewed by the organizing/ academic committee. The acceptance of all the sessions/abstracts of papers will be conveyed before March 5, 2024 but efforts will be made to convey acceptance within 2 to 3 days of submissions to enable the participants to make their travel, visa and other related arrangements. The full papers (between 3500-6000 words in MS Word format) will have to be submitted on acceptance of abstract before March 15, 2024. The abstracts may be submitted to the Conference Coordinator Dr. Manoj Kumar Teotia at the email address: The last date for registration for the conference is also March 10, 2024. On the spot registrations (10% extra) will only be available in case the delegates send formal requests. For details please visit the conference website and and CRRID website ( in Upcoming Events) to see the updated details of the conference. The selected papers may be published in edited book form with ISBN number. The abstracts of the papers should include the following information:

1. The title of the Paper
2. The name, affiliation, mailing address and e-mail address(es) of the proposer(s)
3. A description of the Paper (not exceeding 500 words)